Sunday, July 22, 2012

Visiting Family in Saskatchewan

July was a good month for visiting some of my family, a few cousins and my only Aunt.
David's birthday with Nicole 
Lucille and Jim

The Rutley homestead of my mother's parents brought back memories as we were toured the house. 
It is  now owned by a first cousin.
Bob and I
Jim, Dot and I  

Lois and I 

Aunt Ruth and I

Robert , Dee and I 
Doreen, Beverly and I

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Gallivan School Gathering

On July 1st nineteen former students attended a gathering while they took in the Cut Knife Centennial Celebrations.

We met at the Gallivan School the old elementary school which was moved to the Clayton MacLean Historical Museum, Cut Knife, Saskatchewan.

The students at this special gathering had started the one-room elementary and high schools from 1927 to 1956.

The schools were closed in 1958 and the remaining students were bused to Cut Knife to further their education.

This is where the Elementary School, built in 1919, was situated in what was once a thriving Hamlet of Gallivan East of Cut Knife, one mile south of Highway 40.

In 1923 the High School was held it the Community Hall, the former Grain Growers Hall that was built in 1915.

This is the "Two-Seater" Out House that was used for many years.

This is the half mile grid road that I walked to get to school.