Monday, December 20, 2010

A Morning Routine

My day usually starts at 6:00a.m.with a set routine. Before I get out of bed I pave my day by putting me attentions on the daily activities that need to be done from a list I made the night before.  This keeps me focused on things of importance.

On rising, I head for the kitchen to filter, optimize and boil PiMag Water for my morning drinks. For the first drink I take two teaspoons of ground Flax Seed with ¼ tsp from a mixture of Cayenne Pepper and Turmeric and 1 oz from a concoction of PiMag water, Lemon , Garlic and Honey mixture and add a cup of hot water. This is only one of my medicinal drinks in the morning! I steep Dandelion Tea for a drink later.

In the solarium I sit for a 30-minute meditation, listening to meditative music, drinking the Flax Seed drink, and using the Biaxial Body Energizer. I also use the Egyptian Healing Rods during this time. This brings a sense of appreciation for the good feelings I have and sets the tone for the day.

I mix one teaspoon of Jade Greenzymes in a glass of cold PiMag water to take with my Nikken Wholefoods Nutition.  A shot of Ciaga-v gives me the antioxidants I need for the day.

My morning exercise can consist of some yoga, lifting lightweights and wearing my Cardio Strides. I generally walk several times up and down the stairs, when it is too cold and icy to take a 20minute walk out doors.

My personal care consists of a shower using the PiMa Ultra Shower System.  The True Elements Skin Care prepares my face for a base of Mary Kay Make up

I drink the Jade GreenZymes with the before-breakfast nutrition supplements. A cup of Healthier Coffee is enjoyed as I work in my office. The Kenko Light give me the daylight light I need and it makes reading my emails much easier without eyestrain.

Now, I’m on to my breakfast, of fresh Pomegranate, Pineapple, Cantaloupe and Blueberry with plain yogurt and cottage cheese. I sprinkle 1 tablespoon of Hemp Seed and any kind of nuts I have on hand.

You can see that I have “discovered it and I am living it” with the Wellness Home Products.

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