Tuesday, September 4, 2012

My Spiritual Journey

Life takes different turns.

As I reflect on how people and new inspiring information comes to me I feel that life has come to me with "Ease, Joy and Glory"  During these past few months this year I have learned more than I can imagine!

I have experienced sessions in Access Consciousness  at Britannia Bodyworks and Wellness Centre  Calgary Alberta. I listen to Rikka Zimmerman talk about "Clearing and BARS"

A book by Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Hew Len "Zerolimits, The Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace and More" has given me ways to understand who I really am. The Self I-Dentity through Ho'oponopono method to clear your life and heal yourself has been outstanding. An other site is: Business By You

I follow what Gregg Braden has to say on his You Tube presentations.

I am following the Durkan Diet and have lost close to 10 lbs in two weeks. Now that makes me feel really good!!

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