When you find yourself making an unwise decision rather getting all stressed out about it turn it into an adventure.
I booked a return flight from Penticton BC to Toronto. I wanted to arrive in Toronto early on Friday. I my wisdom I choose a red-eye AC flight. Needless to say I did not get to sleep on the plain as I had planned. I left Penticton at 8:00pm for Vancouver where I caught the 10:30pm flight. Between the refreshments, mostly water, being offered during the night, the buzz of the passengers, plane hum, and being squeezed between two men, there was nowhere to rest my head. It turned out well as I talked to the men, when they were not sleeping, I arrived at the Pearson Airport at 5:30am. After a long walk through the airport I found the train to get me to the Marriott Toronto.
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Sky Walk from Union Station to Marriott |
On Sunday my return trip was most interesting! Mistakenly, the choice of the flight took me to Kitchener/Waterloo! I had to take VIA Rail from Union Station, downtown Toronto, to Kitchener. It was a 90 minute trip. From the station I a took a cab to the airport.
When I walked into the lobby I was greeted with a loud "Welcome" from six senior ladies. They had been to an "International Clogging Convention" held for the first time in Canada with over 1000 people in attendance. Clogging Canada Now, I never heard of the group so it was interesting to share their enthusiasm for the dance.
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Clogging ladies |
From Kitchener Airport West Jet services only one flight daily to Calgary. There are no other airline flights. There were no lunch counters, so for a 3 hour wait we were getting very hungry and the Clogging ladies were anxious to get to a Bar! At 2:30 West Jet staff arrived to check us in.
Once through security we were able to buy a lunch. All-in-all everything turned out well, as I met many very nice people to make my trip a successful one. That is how I spent my Sunday, arriving back in Penticton at 9:00pm to my my loving "Uber" husband who was waiting to drive me back to Osoyoos!!
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