Monday, January 13, 2025

Keeping Grounded with Nature's Gift, The Soil and Personal Well-being

 My family got together on our Annual Family ZOOM call. From North Carolina, Ontario,  Alberta and British Columbia. As each took turns in telling what  they accomplished and was important to them in 2024, one common theme merged  Looking after Nature's Gift, The Soil. The other theme was looking after who your wellbeing 

Mark and Svava 

Mark and Svava Operates Concession Road Garden located in Haldimand County Ontario   "Our primary mission is to nurture the soil. By nourishing the ground, we are able to grow a varied selection of native wildflowers, perennials, spring bulbs, and annual pollinator friendly cut flowers for our customers, while also helping to the preserve and protect native flora and fauna. In creating bouquets and arrangements, our aim is to awaken senses and create a setting of joy for your kitchen table, a wedding reception or special event."  This kind of farming is rewarding, as they take in many farm markets and create events on their farm. 

Lynne and Kerry 

Lynne and Kerry look back on 2024 with satisfaction of an exercise program and working from home in the Breath Body Works in Calgary "Our interdisciplinary clinic is dedicated to helping you regain and maintain your health and well-being.  We offer a variety of simple and sustainable wellness solutions for a wide variety of health challenges. These natural healing techniques and programs are safe, effective and well established."  Kerry is working  as a ski guide a Lake Louise this winter. They enjoy coming to Wasa, to take part in the events here. It is a good place for biking, as well as motor cycling. Lynne is always learning about health and wellness practices. 

Leon and Geni 
Leon and Geni and their daughter, Kayla and her husband Arturo, (who were unable to join our ZOOM) live on an off-grid farm near Earthaven Eco-Village, Black Mountain NC.  Leon is one being interviewed, featuring how he natures the soil, on this video, as residents of Earthaven describes their work getting back to nature. While Leon keep busy building, works on the land and helping in the community. Geni also helps in the community, as well as, attends Mediation Sessions. 


Kaney: "I works as a Wetland and Vegetation Biologist doing surveys and putting together reports. I am also learning to speak French! "

Lexi and Andy 

Lexi: "I have been working full time at the Calgary Climbing Center were I teach people to climb. I also wrote three art grants last year (2024) and received funding for two of them. This is what I am working on, completing these two art grant projects into 2025. My partner, Andy, and I have been moving this month apart it's been a very time getting settled. We are looking forward to the next year being more stable and secure and are open to all the fun and possibilities."

Nikki "I’m going /have been going through lots of movement and changes with school, work and overall life. Hoping to focus on my health in 2025 and gain some intel on where my passion lie”. 

Thanks to Randal for being the technical operator for this ZOOM.  Throughout 2024 Randal enjoyed being taking pictures of all that nature offered. These pictures are posted under  Studio-eh Design on Face book. 

As I look back over 2024, I must say I have learned many technical ways of manages the different platforms, not without frustration, however!!  I joined in many ZOOM calls with the Wellness Community I belong to, as well as, I host a Wellness Gathering group with Lynne, on Principles of Core Alignment, which she leads. I have a YouTube site under  Lorraine Martin. The latest thing is a WhatsApp page link on my business website  Be sides that, I spare-headed an Archive Renewal with Beth Jacob Synagogue in Regina. Although I live in BC and we contact on ZOOM, there is a dedicated group doing the work there. What I desire for 2025 is to stay as active mentally and physically as possible, to enjoy the rest of my life. It could be another book on Aging Gracefully!! 

Both Randal and I are very grateful , in a comfortable home on Pat and Kate Fitzgerald's acreage, in Wasa, BC  The best thing is having visitors and suppling fresh muffins!!! 

Friday, January 10, 2025

60th Birthday of Mark Stephen Joseph

Happy 60th Birthday Mark 

Mark and Svava Concession Garden Ontario  

Mark with Lorraine 

Mark with Jerold 

Mark with Lynne 

Mark with Grandma Bertrand, Lynne & Leon 

Mark , Leon, Jerold, Lorraine, Lynne 

Bar Mitzvah 

Grandpa  and Grandma Birstein with Mark, Lynne & Leon 

Great Grandpa Rutley with Mark & Lynne 

Saturday, November 30, 2024

A Family Story "Jungle" and "Caring"


Here is a family story on the Marcovitch / Birstein Side 

Regina Leader Post, April 20, 1935 Front Page Headline


Dewdney Ave. Man Befriended many Transients in Northern District 

Kindly “Mac” Marcovitch, 65-years old Dewdney Avenue, storekeeper, who befriended many a transient who came to his shop, is dead. Mr. Marcovitch died Thursday in Regina hospital. He had been ill for two months. For some years he operated a store at 610 Dewdney Avenue and never once was known to keep a hungry man from his door. Men who came to the “Jungle” * just north of his store, were often befriended. He kept one transient during a two weeks cold snap until the weather warmed sufficiently to permit the traveler to continue on his way. He was born in Roumania 65 years ago, coming to this country when 30 years of age, settling in Winnipeg and opened a store business, a business he was in all his life. Fourteen years later he move to Cupar, Saskatchewan and then six years later to Regina, where he opened the present store. He is survived by one son, William, and three daughters, Caroline, Mrs. A. (Edith) Birstein, Regina, and Mrs, A. (Lottie) Stengle. He was predeceased by his wife (Gertrude) in 1929.Services were held from the House of Jacob Friday afternoon with Rabbi Max Kalef officiating. Internment was made at the Regina Jewish Cemetery.

Near every city "jungle” grew up in which the homeless men made their temporary headquarters before passing on to the next centre. Sanitary conditions in these ‘jungles’ began to receive unfavourable publicity, ‘rod-riding’ on the railroads was severely criticized, there arose grave concerns that the wandering men were a threat to the life and property , and by 1939 the situation came to be considered a national scandal. –L.Richter, Canada’s Unemployment Problem 

Looking Back, Tales from Saskatchewan: On July 1st 1935 the Regina Riot took place   

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Saskatchewan Report Cards 1930s


Citizenship: The development of the following traits and attitudes to school work are desirable for progress in school and growth in good citizenship. The teacher marked those which are particularly noticeable.

Attitude Towards School Work
Very satisfactory 
Attention to work
Energy in study
Preparation of lessons
Neatness in work
Interest in play
Use of time
participation in oral work
Requires more sleep

Very satisfactory
Courteous and Respectful
Controls temper
Careful of books and school property

Trait of Grades

Traits marked 
“F” or “U” requires the cooperation of parents and teacher to secure improvement.
“I” after any trait or attitude indicates that the child is showing improvement therein. 
 “A” means that he has the ability to do better in that particular trait or attitude and should be encouraged to do so. 

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Hand Painted Tea Set Made in France

A blessing arrived on June 1, 1995 on the birth of my first Grandchild, Kaney Richele. 

She was named after her Great Aunt Caroline Marcovitch, Kaney, being her nick-name. 

Caroline loved the finest and had a Hand Painted Tea Set made in France. 

On September 8, 2023 the Tea Set was pasted on to Kaney Richele. 

Caroline  was born in Winnipeg 1913 to Mr. and Mrs. Abe Marcovitch. She was raised in a humble home on 610 Dewdney Avenue, Regina Saskatchewan. Her father and mother immigrated from Romania in the late 1890, settling in Winnipeg then moved to Cupar, Saskatchewan before coming to Regina.

She married Sidney Bercovitch and in 1941 "Sid Sunflowers Seeds" was founded. Caroline spent long hours in her kitchen roasting seeds. From the kitchen stove they graduated to the garage. The demand for seeds led to buying a larger place and bigger stove. In 1943 they purchased a livery barn, with two wooden doors, at 1323 Lorne Street, Regina Where they ran a successful business until Sidney’s death in 1973. Caroline passed away in 1996.

Sunday, August 18, 2024


                                     The magic of living in the woods!! 

Access Bars Facilitator Lynne Hilderman 

Grateful for the opportunity to live in an environment 

of tranquility and nature. 

Grateful for the quiet area setting of a pond, birds and squirrels.


Sunday, June 30, 2024

One Year Later Of A New Adventure.

 June 30 2023 
NK'Mip Campground Osoyoos, BC 
Hocking up  

On the road 

New Home 

Our View 

Our Friends 

What a blessing for the invitation from Pat and Kat to act as their "Senior Security" on their acreage in Wasa, BC