Saturday, April 28, 2018

Live it Discover it Share It

I have always been proactive with my health. 

Over the past 17 years since I have be with Nikken and using the products I find I am still going strong. 

Their philosophy  is the Five Pillars of Health- Body, Mine, Family, Society and Finances and Humans Being More. 

I have joined many other Consultants in re-launching the business of helping people to  take ownership their health by making better choices.

This is the brochure that tells my story and motivation to do just that. 

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Air View Of South Okanagan

Every Year Snow Birds from across Canada come to spend their winter in Osoyoos BC. In March a breakfasts is held for each different province. They are filled to capacity with 200 participants. Door prizes are given out and there is a 50/50 draw. It is great to meet people from your home province.

At the Manitoba Breakfast one of the door prizes was a  plane ride over the Okanagan Valley by Ken  Pierce from Minolta, MB in his 1979 Cessna.

Thanks to Vickie McAllister, the winner, who asked Valerie McRae and I to be her guests on the 45 minute flight. It was a good day as it was sunny with only a few clouds.

Vickie, Val and Lorraine
Vickie, Ken, Val and  Lorraine
At 3:00 pm we all met at the Osoyoos Air Strip on Highway 3 west of the town

While we were up enjoying the view, John McRae, Len McAllister and Randal waited at the Osoyoos air strip. They watched as we boarded the Cessna.

Len, John and Randal

While I was busy taking pictures and a video Ken took us over Osoyoos, Oliver Area 27 Race Track, the vineyards and  orchards and as far as OK Fall.

Area 27 Race Track 

Back on the ground. What a great way to tour the Osoyoos area. Thank you Ken