Monday, September 24, 2012

Moving On

What an enjoyable summer Randal & I had! With our trip to Saskatchewan for a few weeks and spending the rest of it at the Bow RiversEdge Campground, in Cochrane Alberta.

We walked along the walking path every morning for an hour. As the spring came and summer was here we watched as the foliage come out, develop and turn colour. The skies were always interesting  Nature is so spectacular. We often went for walked in Calgary and Bow River Ranch Provincial Park.

We were able to take in some events of Kaney, Lexi, and Nikki.

On our last day together we went for ice cream at MacKay Ice Cream  in Cochrane.

We are now on our way to British Columbia for a few weeks.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

My Spiritual Journey

Life takes different turns.

As I reflect on how people and new inspiring information comes to me I feel that life has come to me with "Ease, Joy and Glory"  During these past few months this year I have learned more than I can imagine!

I have experienced sessions in Access Consciousness  at Britannia Bodyworks and Wellness Centre  Calgary Alberta. I listen to Rikka Zimmerman talk about "Clearing and BARS"

A book by Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Hew Len "Zerolimits, The Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace and More" has given me ways to understand who I really am. The Self I-Dentity through Ho'oponopono method to clear your life and heal yourself has been outstanding. An other site is: Business By You

I follow what Gregg Braden has to say on his You Tube presentations.

I am following the Durkan Diet and have lost close to 10 lbs in two weeks. Now that makes me feel really good!!