Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Valentine Day

While I was away for four days in Calgary  Going To Calgary  Randal was beside himself. During our nightly phone calls he reported that he made the bed, washed the dishes and made good meals for himself. He had to report all his activities during his alone days!

When I returned he was the only holding a Happy Valentine Days balloon and a red rose.one waiting in the Penticton Airport  I am sure that the others who were also waiting thought that he was meeting a younger lady instead of more senior one!

Access Consciousness Class

Over the past weekend I attended an Access Consciousness  Foundation Class. It  was  facilitated by Fay Thompson 

Lorraine, Kellie, Fay, Lynne and Norma 
It was small but vibrant group who spent four days together. We discussed the benefits of energy-flow through the many topics, preformed exercises, share experiences and laughed. 

Norma and Fay 
Lynne Kellie and Norma 
From the material presented we became clear on who we really are and how we can go forward in our lives.