Monday, April 29, 2013

Kaney Hilderman Performs

 On Saturday, April 27th 

Randal and I  attended

 An Informal Performance at Jack Singer Concert Hall of the 

 Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra and  Calgary Youth Orchestra.

They performed for 80 minutes.

The Symphony No. 7 composed by Anton Bruckner (1824-1896) 

Kaney played with the Calgary Youth Orchestra. 

It was good to hear it and see Kaney do so well.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Greece: An Excerpt from my Autobiography

Leon's Duplicate 
  "In seeing the famous “Acropolis”, high on the hill some distance from us, we struck out in that direction. 
      It was a puzzle to get to as there were many times we found ourselves in the dead-end streets. After several of these we finally found the correct one. 
     When we reached the top we were completely played out so we just sat down and rested and stared at the ruins, the city of Athens beneath us and the sea away off in the distance. 
     Browsing among the ruins, the sea appeared to us as a lovely place to find a place to eat and buy souvenirs"

While there I purchased a Goddess Sculpture. During my travels It was damaged. Here is the duplicated sculpture that my son, Leon, made when he was a teenager. 

As A Side Note:  I went online to find  if it was a Greek Goddess, but could not find any information. I then decided to do a quiz on what Goddess I would be.
Here was the answer.

You Are the Greek Goddess Demeter 

You are an Earth Mother, provider of delicious food and beautiful children. You prefer the company of the young, but you have a decided wanderlust, which makes being tied down lead to periods of depression. You are conscientious, law-abiding, and spiritual.
Who Is Demeter?: Demeter is a goddess of fertility, grain, and agriculture. She is pictured as a mature motherly figure. Although she is the goddess who taught mankind about agriculture, she is also the goddess responsible for creating winter and a mystery religious cult. She is usually accompanied by her daughter Persephone.

Roger Drummer in Calgary

I have been following Roger Drummer's presentations on You Tube and Face Book for some time now.

His knowledgeable talks on the Nikken Products has given me the meaning of staying healthy and living in a Wellness Home.

Our Open Range Travel Trailer is such home.