Sunday, November 13, 2022

Jerold Birstein's Story 1943 to 1946 War Years


Jerold Birstein’s Own Story 

A day after my 18th birthday, October 18,1943, I left school to join the RCAF. I went to Edmonton for basic training. After spending three months there, I returned to Regina to take a refresher grade twelve course.

When I finished the course I was sent to Yorkton for several months. Morris Schumiatcher and Les Benjamin were also training at the same time. Les and I were together for the next three and half years. Les and I did many things together, like playing bridge in the wash rooms on many nights after the lights were out.

I went to Winnipeg for a few more months before I was discharged on January 24,1945. Fellow service men and I were given our discharge papers in one hand and our Army call papers in the other.

I had one month to make up my mind. During that month I went to Chicago to hear the “Big Bands” concerts.” 


I joined the Army on February 28,1945 and went to Winnipeg and then to Camp Shilo, near Brandon, Manitoba to the Canadian Artillery Training Centre. 

Jerold pressing uniform 

There were a group of German Prisoners of War. I had to supervise them while they worked on road building. I was the truck driver and transported the prisoners to the work sight.  I found them to be young and very friendly. They never talked about the war or of Germany. The cook of the camp was from the German ship “Bremar” After the war they were sent back to Germany.

German Prisons from Bremar

I also drove the Army gun tractors that pulled the canons. While I was in the services for three and a half years, I thought I would never see civilian life again.  

I was discharged on May 9,1946.

Story written in 1990. Jerold passed away in 1999 at the age of 74