Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Summer-time Hydration And Why Our Body Needs Water

 The Institute of Medicine advises men to drink three liters (101 fluid ounces) of water per day and for women, 2.2 liters 74 fluid ounces). During the summer months, we tend to perspire more and lose even more water throughout the day. That means the skin is working harder, and we need to replenish the body's largest organ by drinking more water. 

Drinking plenty of water is extremely important and highly underrated even though dehydration is common and may have frightening consequences.  Since 50 to 70 percent of our body mass is composed of water, including skin, tissues, cells and organs (1), water is essential for Active Wellness. 

When dehydration occurs, the body does not have enough water for its basic vital functions. Watch out for these symptoms of mild to moderate dehydration (2): Increased thirst with dry mouth. Unusual feelings of fatigue or sleepiness; decrease or lack in urine output, headache, dry skin, dizziness, tearlessness,  constipation and leg cramps. 

Symptoms of severe, dehydration include (2) Lightheadedness that stops you from standing or walking normally, Drop in blood pressure (can lead to shock) Rapid heart rate Fever, Poor skin elasticity, lethargy and/or confusion, actually passing out or blacking out, swollen hands, feet and legs. Our bodies lose water daily through perspiration, breathing and the entire, digestive/excretion process, We naturally replenish these losses through the consumption of food and beverages, but depending on individual diets, may not hydrate enough.

Recommendation on amount of structured well filtered water

4 cups before breakfast 

2 cups 2 hours after breakfast

2 cups 2 hours after lunch

1 cup   2hours after supper 


Script reference: 

1 http://www.stylecraze.com/articles/benefits-of-water-for-skin-hair-and-health/#gref

2 https://www.emedicinehealth.com/dehydration_in_adults/article_em.htm

3/4 https://www.uwhealth.org/madison-plastic-surgery/the-benefits-of-drinking-water-for-your-skin/26334

Water Matters  Dr. Gary Lindner, www.selfcarehub.com ,  physiologist, helps us tackle this global issue one glass at a time  and search water for companion materials."  

Nikken Water PH Test   

A Thanksgiving Address to Water  “We give thanks to all the water of the world. We are grateful that the waters are still here and doing their duty of sustaining life on Mother earth. Water is life, quenching our thirst and providing us with strength, making the plants grow and sustaining us all. Let us gather our minds together and with our minds, we send greetings and thanks to water." A quote from  Braiding Sweatgrass nonfiction book  by Robin Wall Kimmerer (Page 311

Notes: a)  Braiding Sweatgrass on  Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants. The book is about alternative forms of Indigenous knowledge outside of traditional scientific methodologies. b) Iroquois Haudenosaunee Confederacy , the oldest living democracy on the planet, Onondaga Lake present-day city of Syracuse, New York, USA.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iroquois

Contact Lorraine Martin 250-408-4846 wellnessonwheels11@gmail.com