Friday, June 7, 2024

Cake and Flowers

Visitors are always welcome. It was a pleasure to have my Granddaughter,  Lexi Hilderman, and  her friend, Andy Rubio, stop by the other day.  There was a good conversations, flurry of activities, creativeness and laughter. 

Hungarian Bain Marie Pudding & Coffee Cake

Andy describes the origin of the recipe:  "I am sharing my Grandmaman’s Coffee Cake Recipe. My father dug out this recipe from the treasure trove of handed-down recipes in our kitchen. It came from his mother, Hugette Quinn, my Grandmaman, originally handwritten in French scribbles and shorthand Written from memory, this recipe was passed to her from a family friend, Helen Jenni, in the Hungarian Community in Montreal. This recipe though, reaches further back into German origins. I sat down with both my mother and father to translate the recipe each in their own style. My mother, Betty, – knowing that I’m wanting to learn French and increase my vocabulary – lay out the recipe in columns, hand writing direct English translations beside their corresponding French words. My father – with his own on-going recipe book project “From Smokey Steve’s Kitchen” – focused on the logical legibility of the recipe in precise steps and measurements for actual use. Making this coffee cake is an experience of wholesome smells that fill the house, wonderous if you enjoy the aroma of coffee and eggs."

After eating this delicious cake they were off on a trip to the Dollar Store in Kimberly to buy flowers that perked up a wreath which hangs on the outdoor step railing. 

Thanks for coming. The doors are always open. 

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